Friday, February 25, 2022





For 65 long years, my day would begin with a cup of tea and a crisp copy of TOI. A hard copy. No digital edition for me.


Being leading newspaper, TOI grew both in stature as well as flab. Fine, because it fetched better returns even as ‘raddi’.


Years passed and I got a job in downtown Mumbai. It entailed travelling in crowded Mumbai locals. That is where I picked up the art of folding, double folding and triple folding my copy of TOI. It shrunk the paper to quarter its size. I could read it at peace without bothering my fellow-travelers. How convenient?


With time, TOI became obese. So be it. But then, they started adding appendages in the form flaps to the fatso. Even these grew from single column width to four columns.


Believe me, these flaps seriously disturb the equilibrium of holding the newspaper in your two hands.


Dear Editors, this is one irritant that needs to done away with immediately. Please!



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