Saturday, November 28, 2020




Attached Video shows devastation wrecked by nature. Please see it before reading this post.


Midway, a caption appears: 


'Nature is beautiful but 'Terrifying' at same time.'


How can the nature be blamed for the damage after all the molesting and marauding by mankind? For years we have been abusing it shamelessly.


We have forgotten that we owe our existence to Nature.


Onset of 20th century brought in the bogie of ‘development and modernization.’ It brought revolutionary changes and altered our lifestyles. Blinded by the success, we started fiddling with the very ‘nature’. Since then it has been a story of its ruthless defacement.


With impunity we polluted our rivers and seas; destroyed fertile lands with chemicals and pesticides: made the air we breathe and water we drink, toxic; modified genes of crops; tinkered with human genes; cloned animals. No element of nature remained untouched.


Even the awareness about consequences did not deter us from desecrating nature. We have therefore abrogated

the right to blame nature for disasters.


Can we to live in harmony with nature?


A peep in past reveals existence of ancient civilizations that enjoyed perfect harmony with nature.


‘Attitude of Gratitude’ was the gospel truth or mantra for living, then. History and scripture are replete with the examples of their advances in all spheres; be it academics or architecture; mathematics or medical sciences, philosophy or physics, astronomy or astrology, sea-faring or seismology even aeronautics & missile science.


Ancient civilizations survived for centuries and for as long as they preserved their ‘way of life’ They made full use of natural bounties but with respect and gratitude.


To keep the awareness alive, they introduced worshipping of nature while consuming its resources. They paid obeisance to the elements, the mother earth, seas, rivers, mountains, planets, stars, crops, seasons, even animals.


Every ritual in their lives began with worshipping Elephant God to be followed by that of nine planets. They erected temples and shrines which celebrate the benevolence of the Sun and the Moon, the Saturn. Worshipping of Ganga and other rivers is example of expressing gratitude. Seas and mountains are treated as sacred. Even Seasons, are celebrated, Harvesting becomes a festival. It is not for nothing that Cow is considered Holy.


Their way of Life is what ‘Indian Way of Life’ is about. It may be the only answer for our survival against natural disasters.


Let’s cultivate Attitude of Gratitude to mother nature!


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