Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Two months back my younger brother died of cardiac arrest at Delhi airport. He was 64. His post mortem report revealed 90% blockage in one artery. Since we have a strong family history of heart disease, invariably, we would suggest a thorough checkup. But, he always brushed it aside.

He had his own philosophy and detested the very idea change in lifestyle that may be may be warranted. He had no symptoms nor was he indulgent type. His only aberration was need for extra sugar in his tea and was unabashedly assertive about it. His life was a saga of all round satisfaction. A happy marriage, worthy children, well-educated, married into good families, a granddaughter and unassailable financial security constituted his life. A contended person, he was perfectly at peace with himself and his surroundings. No regrets, no unfulfilled desires. Unwittingly, we the family, fell prey to his logic. Now, in the hindsight, we live with the guilt pangs which will not be forgotten easily.

I am trying to figure out whether it was a case of misplaced chivalry that took his life OR a game played by chromosomes. A close look points the finger towards the latter. It appears that men tend to be more casual in their approach to life as compared to women. In fact, it is considered to be a ‘macho’ instinct. Even when men become proactive, invariably it would have been caused by sustained spousal prodding.

In contrast women are more pragmatic. Life preservation comes to them naturally. It could be because only they are endowed with capabilities of giving birth. Physical discomforts as well as hormonal upheavals during pregnancy, delivery and post-natal periods build a formidable reserve of strength and resolve in them to protect life. It reflects in their attitude for their lifetime.

Am I right if I attribute it to chromosomes?

Let’s consider another game that chromosomes play.

There have been in my extended family, several examples of women surviving for many long years after demise of their spouses. Loneliness, at times neglect, notwithstanding. Men, in contrast do not last more than a few years. once their spouses depart. Do look around and you will agree.

Can we still call women, a ‘weaker sex’?

In the end, lets’ all agree that Mars and Venus definitely play their own magic which we call chromosome effect.


Anonymous said...

Yes Uncle, I too think about this that after the death of their spouse men find it difficult to cope with this world. Their is also a psychological factor that men always try to establish their relation with world indirectly, through their spouse. If they want to communicate to their children they communicate through their wives. Maintaining relations with family and friends is also depended on their wives. They concentrate on earning a living. So beside earning a living they have never engaged themselves with other worldly ways. But things are changing now and men at least understand the importance of creating a direct bond with their children. Social relations are still distant things.

Unknown said...

I have never believed a woman to be a weaker sex. In fact, they are the ones who have more immunity than men...we will also notice that a wife falls ill or is unwell on much lesser instance than in the case of the husband..and yes, there is always a macho feeling that nothing can happen to men as they are more stronger in terms of physical strength. This can also be proven wrong by the fact that women overall have less chances of getting a heart attack in comparison to their male counterparts. Chromosomes do play an important role in developing our immune system. Its time we men start shedding our so called macho perception especially when it comes to health.